The LBYC Cruising programme aims to provide members interested in the non competitive, social and more leisurely side of boating, with a mixture of educational resources, opportunities to gain practical on water experience, and a few organised excuses to get out there and have some fun on the water.
There is a wealth of knowledge on the pages under the 'Cruising' heading, including a great write up about the cook strait, with important local knowledge to apply when crossing. You will also find our Wellington Harbour Moorings Map and the Practical Boating Program there.
Below are some of the events and activities covered under the Cruising banner.

Boating safety sessions
Boat handling tips
VHF courses and protocols
Engine and system maintenance and repair sessions
Celestial navigation sessions

Organised Raft-ups
Harbour BBQ's
Wellington Fireworks
Cruising Presentations
Movie Nights
Fishing Competitions

Cruising Events
Overnight Harbour Experiences
Cook Strait Crossing Flotillas
Sail to dinner nights/weekends
Holiday Meet up's
Organised Rallies further away
Cruising intro's for new sailors
Got an idea for an event?
Send your suggestion to our Cruising Committee and we will see what we can organise.
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